「理解して覚えよう群動詞」 (about 編)



※全体のページは 解答(一括表示) からご覧になれます。

bring + about
Our efforts brought about positive results.

come + about
How did the accident come about?

get + about
It got about that Tom cheated on the test.

go + about (1)
The preacher went about everywhere in the region.

go + about (2)
Despite the war, people are still going about their daily lives.

go + about (3)
How should we go about solving this problem?

go + about (4)
A rumor is going about that Lisa is actually a man.

knock + about
The whole town was badly knocked about.

see + about (1)
I bought a car magazine to see about used cars for sale.

see + about (2)
(1) We'll have to see about that. / We'll see about that.
(2) We'll see about that.

set + about
Let's set about working on the project.

発行者: 土谷 望
URL: https://www.alse-net.com
Mag2 ID:
Copyright (c) 2004 alse-net.com

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