「日刊群動詞」 復習のページ (over 編)




be + over
The party is over.

bring + over
We are trying to bring Mr. Kim over to our side.

come + over (1)
My dad came over from Mongol.

come + over (2)
A feeling of great sorrow came over me.
I don't know what came over me.

get + over (1)
I couldn't get over the shock of failing the bar exam for a while.

get + over (2)
It took me a few weeks to get over my flu.

get + over (3)
He couldn't get over his message to the audience.

get + over with (4)
I want to get this thing over with.

gloss + over
They are trying to gloss over the scandal.

go + over (1)
You will have to go over the contract carefully.

go + over (2)
We went over to their place.

go + over (3)
I want to go over my paper once more before I turn it in tomorrow.

go + over (4)
Please remember this kind of joke doesn't go over well here.

go + over (5)
He is going over to ABC Bank.

hold + over (1)
Some of the issues will have to be held over to the next meeting.

hold + over (2)
My ex-husband loved to hold money over our heads.

leave + over
When I got there, dinner was already over and there was nothing left over for me to eat.

look + over
Will you look over my report before I turn it in?

make + over
I was so surprised to hear the news that a man in Canada made over his entire estate to his dog.

pull + over
A police officer pulled him over for speeding.

put + over (1)
The president put over his views at a general meeting of shareholders.

put + over (2)
Can you put a tablecloth over this table?

run + over (1)
Please run over this letter for me and see if you can find any errors.

run + over (2)
The man knocked the glass over and the wine ran over the table.
The man knocked the glass over and the wine ran over.

run + over (3)
When the frogs cross the road, some of them get run over by vehicles.

run + over (4)
We had better get started with the meeting now, because we don't want to run over time this evening.

stand + over (1)
The motion will have to stand over until the next general meeting.

stand + over (2)
I have to stand over them to make sure the job gets done.

take + over
I hope someone will take over when I retire.
I hope someone will take over my position when I retire.

talk + over (1)
I have to talk things over with Ben.

talk + over (2)
Let's talk over coffee.
Let's talk about the plan over coffee.

think + over
Let me think it over again before I give you an answer.

throw + over (1)
Marry has thrown her longtime boyfriend over for an Internet millionaire.

throw + over (2)
Can you throw the ball over the fence?

turn + over (1)
The small boat turned over in a gale.

turn + over (2)
I couldn't sleep last night and kept turning over in bed.

turn + over (3)
The association turned the land over to the city.

turn + over (4)
The shop turned over no less than fifty million yen last year.

turn + over (5)
I want to keep turning the ideas over in my mind to see if they hold water.

turn + over (6)
I feel like I should turn over a new leaf.

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